Pastor: Rev. Miguel Ruiz, SVD
Directions to the Church
St. Kevin’s is on Cortland Ave., the main business street on the south side of Bernal Heights, running from Mission Street on the west to Bayshore Blvd. on the east.
704 Cortland Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94110
Getting to St. Kevin by MUNI
The 24 Divisadero runs the length of Cortland Ave. and stops at Ellsworth St. at St. Kevin’s front door.
The 14 Mission connects with the 24 Divisadero at Mission and 30th St. in front of Walgreens.
The 23 Crescent connects with the 24 Divisadero at Bayshore and Cortland.
The 67 Bernal Heights runs from Mission and 24 St. south along Folsom Ave. and stops at Cortland and Folsom, two blocks east of St. Kevin's.
The 67 Bernal Heights runs from the Alemany housing project north along Ellsworth to Crescent then continues up Folsom and stops at Cortland and Folsom, two blocks east of St. Kevin's.
Getting to St. Kevin by Car
From Mission Street - Take Cortland east up the hill 0.5 miles to Anderson.
From Bayshore Blvd - Take Cortland west up the hill 0.5 miles to Ellsworth.
From Highway 101 northbound - Exit to ALEMANY and proceed straight ahead under the freeway to the traffic light at Alemany. Turn LEFT onto Alemany and proceed to the traffic light at Putnam (Farmer’s Market). Turn RIGHT onto Putnam and IMMEDIATELY LEFT onto Crescent. Proceed 4 blocks to Ellsworth. Turn RIGHT onto Ellsworth and proceed 4 blocks (0.4 milies) up the hill to Cortland.
From Interstate 280 northbound - Exit to ALEMANY, bearing right to avoid re-entering 280. Proceed to the traffic light at Putnam (Farmer’s Market) and turn LEFT onto Putnam and IMMEDIATELY LEFT onto Crescent. Proceed 4 blocks to Ellsworth. Turn RIGHT onto Ellsworth and proceed 4 blocks (0.4 milies) up the hill to Cortland.
From Highway 101 southbound - Exit to 280 South, then Exit to ALEMANY to Putnam (Farmer’s Market). Turn LEFT onto Crescent. Proceed 4 blocks to Ellsworth. Turn RIGHT onto Ellsworth and proceed 4 blocks (0.4 milies) up the hill to Cortland.
From Interstate 280 southbound - Not recommended - complex route. Take Highway 101 southbound instead.