Pastor: Rev. Miguel Ruiz, SVD
Parish Leadership Committees
St. Kevins’ leadership committees provide opportunities for leaders to bring their skills to serve in the church.
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
The St. Kevin’s Parish Council (pastoral council) meets once a month to advise and assist the pastor. In areas of pastoral concern, the Parish Pastoral Council examines, considers and makes recommendations through consensus and prayerful reflection.
The pastor appoints members to the council, which usually meets monthly in the rectory offices.
Finance Council
St. Kevin’s Finance Council meets monthly. The council serves the parish as a consultative body, and it advises the pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish. It assists the pastor in the prudent planning and administration of all parish financial matters and in the setting of policy and procedures to provide effective management of parish assets. Members of the council have a background in business, finance, administration or accounting.
The pastor appoints members of this council, which usually meets monthly in the rectory offices.
Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy Committee meets monthly to discuss the worship life of the parish. Together with the pastor, the committee plans special liturgies, oversees the church environment and decoration, consults about musical selection and the various choirs, arranges the training and scheduling of lectors, communion ministers, altar servers and ministers of hospitality.
The pastor appoints members of this committee, which usually meets monthly in the rectory offices.